Friday, April 23, 2010

Post from Mt. Washington

I'm starting this at the witching hour because it took me a half an hour to figure out how to get on the WiFi here. After 13 hours of driving in the past two days, I doubt I can tie my shoes let alone maneuver through the world of invisible connections. Of course, that is why I am here...looking for those invisible connections.

All the trials of the last two days seemed worth it when we turned the corner and saw the majestic red and white hotel nestled before the snow-capped White Mountains. The staff act like it is still 1902 and fall all over themselves to be helpful, although we had to wait two hours for our room to be cleaned. This also was worth the wait since our room is ginormous, complete with fireplace and enough space to open up a dance hall.

The whole hotel is quite grand: intricate moldings, stained glass, and Corinthian columns abound. The lobby is larger than a football field and is one high-backed couch grouping in front of either a fireplace of large window with mountain views, one after another. The lower level has gaming rooms, an indoor pool, shops and restaurants.

Today was introductions, a lecture and gallery reading from Chip Coffey, and an hour with a paranormal stand-up comedian. Jay and Grant hung in the lobby and were very available, which was nice.

I came back to the room tonight to find Rose bemoaning her decision to spend two hours in the spa tomorrow. She tried to talk me into going with her, but I'd rather take the time to explore this monolithic hotel.

But what about ghosts, Kellie? Well, our investigation is Sunday night. Tonight, I'm tired, so will be giving up the ghost. Tomorrow should yield more paranormal stuff plus an investigation of our hallway, which is quite creepy.

More tomorrow.

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