Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Starting to Get Excited about Mt. Washington

April 7, 2010:

It is starting to sink in that I'll be in New Hampshire on April 23-27. Rose and I are going to be part of a TAPS investigation at the Mt. Washington Hotel in Bretton Woods, NH. I've been reading about the previous experiences at prior events at the hotel and have tried my darnedest not to get too excited. After all, there will probably be about 150 to 200 people there. Rose and I have discussed, with a certain amount of skepticism, their ability to conduct meaningful investigations with that many people, but are trying to keep an open mind.

In preparing for the event, I have only one word to share: batteries. I'm probably going to limit what I take to a thermal gun, a compass, a K-2 meter, a camera (still) and an audio recorder. When the Ghost Hunters team investigated Mt. Washington for their show, the hotel appeared to be a hot area for EVP, so I may take a couple of digital audio recorders so that Rose and I can both have one in hand.

Just in case Mt. Washington Hotel doesn't provide an interesting investigation, we are hedging our bets by stopping at Eastern State Penitentiary and staying at Ye Olde Temperance House in Newtown, PA.

The Temperance House was the first hotel I ever visited that was very active with a spirit. I stayed in a little attic room called the Michael David Room. The moment I walked into it, I knew I was not alone. This was about a year before I started ghost hunting seriously and was on business, so it never would have occurred to me to bring equipment.

The first night, I explored the town and had to be honest with myself that I was actually afraid to walk back into my room. When everything closed down and I went back to my hotel room, I felt watched. I pulled the covers over my head once in bed, I really did! I was awakened by the faucets in my bathroom running full throtle. I got up, turned them off, and went back to bed. This happened two more times that first night. On the second night, the faucets turned on again after I had been in bed only a matter of minutes. This time, I got up, stood in the middle of the room with my hands on my hips and said, "I have a busy day tomorrow, I need my sleep, so you need to stop turning the faucets on. I can't play with you tonight." They didn't turn on again.

One of these sites should yield something. I plan to Blog during our travels and hope that I have more to share than the weather and the food quality.

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